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Additional Information XD XD820 Grenade

Other Finishes


Part NumberSizeBolt
XD82021050324N20×10 −245 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$451.00
XD82021050324NUS20×10 −245 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$402.00
XD82021055324N20×10 −245 x 5.5" (139.7mm)108ConicalOut of Stock$451.00
XD82021055324NUS20×10 −245 x 5.5" (139.7mm)108ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82021058324N20×10 −245 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$402.00
XD82021068324NUS20×10 −246 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82021080324N20×10 −248 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82021080324NUS20×10 −248 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$402.00
XD82021087324N20×10 −248 x 170mm125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82021087324NUS20×10 −248 x 170mm125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82021250344N20×12 −445 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$436.00
XD82021268344N20×12 −446 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$436.00
XD82021280344N20×12 −448 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$436.00
XD82021287344N20×12 −448 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$436.00
XD82022050324N22×10 −245 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$455.00
XD82022063324N22×10 −246 x 135mm87.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82022068324N22×10 −246 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$455.00
XD82022087324N22×10 −248 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$455.00
XD82029050300US20×9 +05 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202905031820×9 +185 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD82029050318US20×9 +185 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalIn Stock $353.00
XD8202905530020×9 +05 x 5.5" (139.7mm)108ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202905531820×9 +185 x 5.5" (139.7mm)108ConicalOut of Stock$396.00
XD82029055318US20×9 +185 x 5.5" (139.7mm)108ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202905830020×9 +05 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$396.00
XD82029058300US20×9 +05 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202905832520×9 +255 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$396.00
XD82029058325US20×9 +255 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202906330020×9 +06 x 135mm87.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82029063300US20×9 +06 x 135mm87.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD8202906331820×9 +186 x 135mm87.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82029063318US20×9 +186 x 135mm87.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202906830020×9 +06 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$396.00
XD82029068300US20×9 +06 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202906831820×9 +186 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD82029068318US20×9 +186 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$459.00
XD82029080300US20×9 +08 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD82029080318US20×9 +188 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202908730020×9 +08 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$396.00
XD82029087300US20×9 +08 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$353.00
XD8202908731820×9 +188 x 170mm125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82029087318US20×9 +188 x 170mm125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82029088300US20×9 +08 x 180mm124.2ConicalOut of Stock$459.00
XD8202908831820×9 +188 x 180mm124.2ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD8206701634216×7 +425 x 160mm65.07ConicalOut of Stock$226.00
XD8206703634216×7 +425 x 130mm84.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD8206703834216×7 +426 x 130mm84.1ConicalOut of Stock$226.00
XD8207851230017×8.5 +05 x 4.5" (114.3mm)72.56ConicalOut of Stock$280.00
XD8207855030017×8.5 +05 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$250.00
XD8207856830017×8.5 +06 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$256.00
XD82079050312N17×9 −125 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$274.00
XD82079068312N17×9 −126 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82079080312N17×9 −128 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$274.00
XD8208801233818×8 +385 x 4.5" (114.3mm)72.56ConicalOut of Stock$275.00
XD8208805033818×8 +385 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$308.00
XD8208805233818×8 +385 x 120mm74.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82089050312N18×9 −125 x 5" (127mm)78.1-Out of Stock$286.00
XD82089050312NUS18×9 −125 x 5" (127mm)78.1ConicalOut of Stock$286.00
XD8208905831818×9 +185 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$320.00
XD82089058318US18×9 +185 x 150mm110.1ConicalOut of Stock$285.00
XD82089063312N18×9 −126 x 135mm87.1ConicalOut of Stock$321.00
XD82089063312NUS18×9 −126 x 135mm87.1ConicalOut of Stock$286.00
XD8208906331818×9 +186 x 135mm87.1ConicalOut of Stock$321.00
XD82089063318US18×9 +186 x 135mm87.1ConicalOut of Stock$286.00
XD82089068312N18×9 −126 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$287.00
XD82089068312NUS18×9 −126 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$287.00
XD8208906831818×9 +186 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$287.00
XD82089068318US18×9 +186 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1ConicalOut of Stock$287.00
XD8208907731818×9 +186 x 120mm72.56ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82089080312N18×9 −128 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalOut of Stock$321.00
XD82089080312NUS18×9 −128 x 6.5" (165.1mm)125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82089087312N18×9 −128 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$321.00
XD82089087312NUS18×9 −128 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$286.00
XD8208908731818×9 +188 x 170mm125.1ConicalInquire for StockInquire for Price
XD82089087318US18×9 +188 x 170mm125.1ConicalOut of Stock$372.00
XD8208908831818×9 +188 x 180mm124.2ConicalOut of Stock$321.00
XD82089088318US18×9 +188 x 180mm124.2ConicalOut of Stock$286.00